
30 May 2018


Should I do it or not?

I asked this question to myself so many times over the past years. And I am sure many of you might have come across a situation like this from time to time. 
Stepping outside of your comfort zone. 
Leaping into the unknown. 
Some people might find it exciting but most of us would feel it difficult to do, I guess. I was the same. I was scared.

I worked for social care industry for 17 years, specialising with working for people with leaning difficulty and autism. I enjoyed my role, however, working within organisation, there were times when my stress level was so high, when raised issue's been ignored, feeling going nowhere and made me think of leaving the job. Yet, regular income was a comfort and security in my head. I’ve never experienced being self employed, so considering leaving a day job for it was a totally unknown path and a simply challenge to me. Even though I dreamed my pottery business THIS MUCH. I doubted my skills. I doubted my confidence. I could list so many things to stop me. Because it was easier than believing in myself.

But, I did it. My heart said it’s time, do it now or never. I truly think this was the final push. Listen to your heart. Don’t start calculate the future. Because until you take that action, you can’t really start that future. Only took me 18 years since I first touched clay. But, better than never!

May 30th 2017, I started my new studio routine as a full time potter. (Ok, saying that I work within my girl’s school hours now, and some nights and weekend of course.) Being my own boss is brilliant. That kind of stress I mentioned has gone and I noticed that I became much happier. Of course, there are lots of hard work being self employed and have ups and downs. I still have different type of stress but that can be adjusted and dealt with in my own way. Sometimes positive stress is good and drives you forward.  

My first year of full time pottery business has been so far so good. I have achieved some goals, built my website and online shop, met new like minded people and returned to trade show recently, which went brilliant. I am currently working really hard to catch up with orders and forthcoming shows. I am rather overwhelmed with the amount of tasks that I am doing right now to be honest, but must not grumble to be able to do what I love. I am lucky to be in this position. 

Those who read this blog post, come and comment in my social network, turn up my shows and purchase my work, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. Without you, my business would not happen. I am truly grateful with your support in so many ways. I will continue to share my journey and hope you can enjoy it too.

If you ever question yourself in the similar situation, have a listen to your heart not your head. It may help you make that big leap and believe in yourself, much quicker than I took!