
13 December 2015

so i did it!

I mentioned in my last post that I haven’t tried baking with my daughter. Well, that has came to the end! This weekend, Sabrina and I managed to make our first gingerbread man together! Hurray!! 

Just a little thought on what we should take to her friend’s who invited her next week. I must have been very positive (or rarely overconfident?) to think about baking. 

You know, baking is not my forte. 
No, get it right. Baking is not what I am good at. 
No, be precise. Baking is what I do not like. I CANNOT bake. I fear for baking. 

All those measuring, mixing stuff together accurately, unlike cooking where you can “wing it”, and I get it always wrong, stressed and never get the good end result whatever I have baked in the past. Surely it is similar to measuring and mixing glazes? Aren’t kneading and rolling similar to clay work? Every time the pastry stuck on the surface and breaks the shape of gingerbread man, I cried. Why isn’t this working for me? Why is baking so haaaaaard???

Anyway I did it! I am so proud of myself :) 

Sabrina enjoyed rolling and cutting small pieces herself. (Gingerbread man became my task in the end, but anyhow!) Obviously she enjoyed tasting. Yum! 

Her highlight of the weekend was actually the Christmas tree. Once her dad brought it into the room, she was delighted as you can see in the photo. Not so long now, darling. Time to enjoy! x m 

3 December 2015

how do you spend a rainy day with a child?

Rain, rain, rain and more rain and storm! 
What’s going on with this winter’s weather here?? So miserable and it’s putting me off going outside, even driving. Apart from my working days (= my daughter’s nursery days), I simply stay at home mostly. Therefore it’s a challenge for me to keep my two year old daughter’s mind and body active for all day without outdoor play. Otherwise she cries, becomes clingy or worse. 

Due to the nature of my work, people say things like, “Has she played with clay with you?” “You do lots of arty fun at home, don’t you?” Embarrassingly I have not. I get stressed when I think about mess afterwards. Those wonderful mums who bake with kids at home, do creative stuff at home, I admire them. Me, instead, laziness comes before creative mind. Bad mum. 

Nevertheless, I still do have a duty to turn a crying child into a happy one as much as possible. So I then put a very quick & easy creative-ish hat on at times. The latest hit was a centipede made out of a clingfilm tube. She loved him instantly and walks him all around the house. Although she seems to prefer climbing on me, doing a slide or horse riding. I suppose she still likes to have that sort of closeness. Mum’s energy will continue to decline. 

How do you spend a rainy day with a child? x m