
3 January 2011

beginning of a new beginning

Back to studio building. Took all stuff out again in order to complete ‘unfinished’ tasks. The empty room contains the memories of where it all started. It’s been so long since I first ‘felt’ the magic of clay. Now I am standing the place where the magic to be created, out of my hand. 

Can I really do it? 

I’m telling myself, be brave. xm


  1. Please assume YOU ARE! I've seen your magical creations here. I have been enjoying to see what you're making. Wishing you a lovely year! mx

  2. of course you can you can you can!

  3. Yes, you can do it, I still have your beautiful gift, right here next to me where I sit and draw every day, it's become my lucky charm and a reminder of beauty that your hands have made.

  4. I'm not asking Can you do it? because I know you can do it :o)

  5. Of course you can do it!

  6. Of course, you can! Just look what you've done before! We all have moments of doubt, don't worry, it will pass.

    Go for a walk, treat yourself, read a book...and than back to work...that's how I deal with feelings like that.

  7. Happy New year Maki - how exciting to start afresh! Good luck - it'll be great I'm sure.

  8. Dearest sweet Maki, of coz you can!! :) Wishing you LOVE and JOY this new year!! Thanks so much for the love, support, and blessing you sent my way! I am looking forward to more adventures with you this new year! Love to you!

  9. Yes, you can..........anyway it's hard not to have the hands in the clay !!! how I understand !!!
    Best wishes for 2011 xxx

  10. Anonymous6/1/11 20:07

    If anyone can, you can!
