
26 December 2010

What did you do on Christmas day?

I hope you all are having a great time. We had a very relaxed Christmas day with easy music and mulled wine, followed by a gentle walk to the riverside for a wee bit of fresh air. So calm and peaceful, just how I like it. Then... guess what we found? A big smile on the river surface. The river was frozen solid that people could walk on to make that mark! My hub told me that he could only remember that last time it was frozen was in 1963. I have never seen the view like this before and certainly never walked on the river! It was awesome! xm 


  1. Brrrrr, it's so cold at the moment I can't bring myself to go out, you are very brave :)
    I've had a most lovely Christmas day yesterday and now have a lot of lovely art books to read thanks to my lovely family and their lovely gifts so I won't miss going outside for a bit :)

  2. Hi Maki,

    We live in a town on the Hudson River, in upstate NY; I remember my first winter here
    (2000) an older woman was reminiscing about walking across, and even driving across! (But I guess
    cars were much lighter then.)

    All the best in the coming year,


  3. We had minus 26 degrees at the coldest on Christmas day. Brrr ...
    It looks like a really lovely river, bridge and a little town you're in. And what a fun face to find when you're not expecting. Have lovely days!

  4. Due to the heavy snow in France, we couldn't leave Paris and suddenly spent x-mas there ;-) Now back in Amsterdam, I wish you all the best for 2011! And cannot believe you're actually standing on a frozen river... ;-)

  5. Woww Cool! I've never walked on a frozen river! Xoxo ahhh I'm Vivi!

  6. Dearest sweet maki, such fun and gorgeous photos! I adore the snow so much. :) Wishing you JOY and LOVE for a wonderful New Year my sweet friend. Thank you for all the blessings, love and support you have given me this year. Have a lovely merry happy last week of 2010! Love to you!

  7. Maybe the river was happy to be frozen?! Where I live all rivers are frozen in wintertime.
    I have look around here at your blog and like your nice ceramics.

  8. Sorry Christmas wishes are now too late Maki, however, wishing you a fabulous & prosperous 2011! :)
