
21 July 2010

a solution to work-space-less

OK. If you are doing any creative work, having a work-space is important, isn’t it? Otherwise your house gets endless mess! Well, sometimes I enjoy the mess but those who handle clay regularly would understand how awful it is to work on the dining table or in the kitchen area! It’s not very safe to the health, and not fair to the family especially having my step kids around. Some of you have already known that we have been working on my pottery studio-to-be (was originally a garden shed!). It’s a very slow progress and frustrating but last week we managed to put the electricity through, finally! Yey! This is one step forward but there are still tons of jobs to complete. In the meantime I am basically work-space-less. And this has been a major struggle.

My creative journey only started in the recent year after having a huge gap since I first studied ceramics. I am currently studying back at college. But during the summer holiday, there is no access to the studio. Most of the weekdays, I teach at a local craft centre, but this is for them, not for me. So I still am work-space-less. Doing clay work in such situation is actually hard. That was why I often got frustrated with the progress of the studio-to-be.

But good news! I got this small temp space in our decking area covered with a massive tent. This was utilised as a storage space for lots of on going jobs for the house and the studio. (we haven’t seen the decking floor for a long time!) But we cleared that out tonight, brought a second hand wheel and there I went. I know it’s not great (and still mess!) but at least I can work with clay at home on my spare time. Thanks to my darling husband again for helping me out for the space. Tonight I worked on my another angel winged pieces, which I will turn tomorrow hopefully.


  1. Good for you Makiko for making space to create! Happy to stop by for a visit to your blog. I'm a fellow Flyer. Love & blessings, xoxo Valerie

  2. Love that you're finding a way to create Maki! Can hardly wait to see some more work!

  3. OMG, that's exactly where I'm holding — doing my ceramics on the dinner table, everybody's eating dinner and doing homework on top and around it... I feel terrible — my poor family!
    But I know it more and more, that I can't do art, be an artist or be creative if I have to think about the space being needed for more important things.
    Gotta go and look at that laundry room of mine again...

  4. Hi..... Makiko, what a good idea, I too make my pots on the dinner table and use the veranda for the wheel. Your tent seems very luminous. Good creations.

  5. What a good idea. I'm lucky to be able to hijack our dining room completely to spread all my art stuff around, in fact this room hasn't been used as a dining room ever since my drawing obsession began, oh well, never mind :)

  6. Good improvising! I am glad you have got some space and a wheel. Looking forward to seeing your work x

  7. Oh please don't feel terrible Tatyana, we all do (like Armelle and Veronika said too!) and mostly family understand well, don't they? I probably still use our dining table again as soon as winter comes. I can't see myself working outside here in North England!!!! Brrrr! xm

  8. Dearest Maki, loving this post and seeing how you found a space for your creativity! I love it and it's such a wonderful idea! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!
